Saturday, July 17, 2010

Xbox Indie Games Review - Immunogen

The game is pretty different from anything I've seen on Xbox Live Indie Games and that could be a good or bad thing. You're given a cursor that you use to drop colored pills onto viruses to kill them. Using a cursor on a console game isn't a bad thing if the game isn't based on speed. Once you reach higher levels or play on a higher difficulty you have to be really quick and accurate while selecting and dropping the pills and that's the only downfall of the game. At the beginning of each round you're shown the set of viruses (colored) and which colored pill you must use to kill that specific virus. For example. Green kills pink, blue kills red, and so forth. This game really keeps you thinking because EVERY round it changes making you learn everything over again. On top of that they'll eventually add more and more matches you must remember (it starts at 4 but can increase up to 12 I believe!?).

It also has a set of awards so you have some replayability in order to get them all. One of them is to reach level 46 in any difficulty and while I played the game I only got up to level 7...

They've talked about porting it to smartphones of some sort and I think that'll be an awesome market for this game because it's a drag and drop game which works a lot better on a PC/touch phone then for a console with thumbsticks. Getting to level 46 and remembering 12 matches of colors is going to take a photographic memory or some serious memory skills.

Rating - 7.5/10.

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