Thursday, July 15, 2010

Xbox Indie Games Review - Lumi

Lumi review (as written on

First off I have to express that this game is beautiful! There's all kinds of parallax going on (sometimes gets in the way of your character) and particle effects and even a couple cutscenes (intro and ending).

Lumi also won the DreamBuildPlay 2010 challenge so you can guess that it's a pretty well polished game.

While this game was going through review there was a lot of talk about the difficulty of the game being too harsh. The thing about this game that makes it difficult is based on the main mechanic of the game, magnetism. You have 2 buttons, left/right trigger, that either attract or repel you from certain obstacles. Use the blue to attract to blue points, or use red near a blue point to repel away from it. This is a very cool mechanic but it falls short because of its unforgiveness. If you don't physically touch the point you're trying to attract to then you'll miss it. You have to be pixel perfect with your jumps and there's some points in the game where you have to be successful in 6+ jumps in a row or else you'll fail (or have to retry). When you have to be near perfect in each of these jumps it can get pretty frustrating especially after having to retry 20+ times which happened on a few levels for me. I think I'm a pretty patient guy but I had to walk away from this game a couple times because I was getting way too frustrated.

I do recommend it to anyone who likes a challenge and the top notch art just adds to the experience. The Impossible Game is a difficult game and that's doing quite well so I think this one should also do well.

I'd give Lumi an 8.5/10 solely based on the difficulty level. Don't get me wrong I'm all for games that test my skill but I think it was a frustrating difficulty based on its unforgiveness rather than just a difficult game.

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